Discover the team that makes it happen

They are the deliberating organ of the council. They set up policies to plan for the current and future needs of the community. They are not responsible for the day-to-day administration of the council 

The Mayor is the head of the municipal council and act as a Chief Executive Officer of the corporation. To preside over council meetings. To provide leadership to the council. To represent the municipality of official functions. He is the contracting authority of the council. He sere as the civil status officer.

The Deputy Mayors serves as subordinate and assistance to the Mayor. There is no single standard job for a deputy mayor but the sere as civil status officers 

The S.G is in charge for the day-to-day running of the Council, he serve as a minute secretary during the all-Council board meetings. He prepared the Council deliberations and municipal decisions. He prepares all the correspondences. He is the main actor in the preparation of the Council budget and Administrative Accounts and follow-up its implementations making sure the entire legal instrument are respected. He managed the staff put at the disposal of the Council.

This is the personnel in charge she is in charge of the management of all financial resources of the Council, she is the finance controller of the Council and execute the payment of all functional and investment revenue of the Council. He prepares the management accounts and help in the preparation of the Council budget in collaboration with the Secretary General. He prepares and submits monthly returns on revenue and expenditure situation of the Council to the regional treasury; he also prepares the balance sheet of the revenue and expenditure and submits at the regional treasury.

He assists the Municipal Treasurer in the production of Payment Vouchers and Cash Vouchers using SIMBA SOFTWARE. He is in charge of the filing system in the Municipal Treasury and he is in charge of the revenue collection exercise and fill in collection orders and revenue receipts.


He is in charge of the planning process, he draws up the Annual Investment Plan of the Council (AIP), and making sure they are inserted into the PRO-ADP SOFTWARE. He also sure all the projects selected comes from the Council Development Plan (CDP).He follow-up the projects in the field making sure he visits the construction sites regularly ,prepare report on the ongoing projects in the Municipality. He creates and manages, the management committees in villages were projects are located.

He assist in the treasury department filling in revenue and expenditure ledgers, she assist the Secretary General, in taken down minutes during the Council Board meetings, she assist in the stores accounting.

Assist the treasurer to fill in the account registers and assist in balancing the accounts and work in all accounting documents. She follow-up the credit cards at the level of the regional treasury.

They are revenue collection agents. They collect revenue from market tools, global taxes, building permits etc 

He ensures the registration of birth, marriages and death certificates and issue relevant certificates as proof of such registration.  

Assist the treasurer to fill in the account registers and assist in balancing the accounts and work in all accounting documents. She follow-up the credit cards at the level of the regional treasury.

They provide a health environment to everyone to protect the natural resources (surface water, ground water, soil and provide safety, security and dignity for people when they defecate or urinate).  


His main services is to distribute incoming and outgoing mails. The Council also uses him as a boat driver.

He is the domestic servant to the Mayor, mostly doing all the domestic work at the Mayor’s residence and the Council.

She is also domestic servant work as a cook at the Mayor’s Residence especially during official ceremonies.

He is responsible for the driving of the Council Vehicle.

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