• PNDP

The kombo-Itindi Council signed co financing partnership with the National community Driven Development program, known by its French acronym PNDP. With this partnership, the council has benefited from this partnership agreement for construction of micro projects and the training of council personnel for effective implementation of the decentralization process. The pictures below can illustrate micro projects realized by PNDP/Council



Special Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance (FEICOM). The council signed a convention or partnership with FEICOM in 2016 for the construction of the Council chambers and six service houses. The objectives is to contribute to accelerate the decentralization and development process of the country. The Pictures below can illustrate the development projects carried out by both the Council and FEICOM



The Council signed a partnership agreement with ROAD FUND Cameroon (FONDS ROUTIE) the Road Fund is a road maintenance structure made of teams of people who have proven themselves in their industries. All of them work to design, build transport, operate and maintain projects all over Cameroon. The purpose of the partnership between the Council and Road Fund was to construct a concrete suspended footpath within the Municipality to ease mobility. See pictures below  



Bakassi Peninsular Development Program. This program was created in August 21st 2017 by a decree from the Prime Minister head of government whose main mission was to accelerate socio economic development within the Bakassi Peninsular. Their projects include facilitating both maritime and land access, putting in place permanent security system, putting in place viable portable drinking water and electricity supply system, development of production and processing infrastructure for fishery products, construction of camps for fisher men and agriculture cultivators of Cameroonian nationals resident in the peninsular, framework for the commercialization of fishery products, follow up of construction work on a mini electric dam on River Mana, support PAMOL extension project to Bakassi, attributions of plots for settlement for the displaced population. BADEP has construction an electric power borehole in Kombo Itindi Council area. See pictures below


  • GIZ

GIZ Cameroon. GIZ has been working in Cameroon since the early 60s and their main objective is rural development, social development, security, reconstruction and peace, governance and democracy, environment and climate change, economic development and employment. GIZ and the Council have been training council personnel for the effective implementation of the decentralization process in Cameroon.


Since the creation of the Regional Council, they hae been working with the Kombo Itindi Council to accelerate the decentralization process in Cameroon. This can be seen in 2022 financial year, the regional council constructed a concrete suspended footpath at Barracks in kombo Itindi Council area. See pictures below.  –

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